SFET Meetings
Toxins MDPI (since 2020)
Toxicon (2012-2017)
E-Books (2008-2011)
Human ressources



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Affiliated journal

Affiliation Agreement between
the SFET and Toxins
signed on February 5, 2018
Discount of 15% on APC for SFET members!
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Meetings on Toxinology

Microbial Toxins and Pathogenicity

Gordon Research Conference

Waterville Valley, NH, USA July 14-19, 2024

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Venom Evolution, Function and Biomedical
Gordon Research Conference

Portland, ME, USA August 11-16, 2024

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Venom and Toxins 2024

Oxford, UK August 20-22, 2024

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EUVEN 2024 Congress :
2nd International Congress

of the European Venom Network

Naples, Italy September 23-25, 2024

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30th Meeting in Toxinology (RT30)
of the SFET

Nice, France December 2-3, 2024

More information on this site  


Toxins 2024 Young Investigator Award

Nomination deadline: Dec 31, 2024

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For next conferences, see :





Let's continue our journey towards the RT30s together!


In 2023, we remarkably celebrated the 30 years of existence and influence of the SFET, thanks to the renewed faithfulness of its members and sponsors for our annual Toxinology Meetings (RTs). In 2024, let's continue to share our passion, knowledge and discoveries in Toxinology! Do not forget to visit the SFET website regularly to find out about conferences, courses, job or training offers, books, and archives, and to send us all information or offers that you think are relevant (sfet.asso@gmail.com). Also, renew your membership or join the SFET as a new member, either independently or while registering for the forthcoming RTs, which will allow you to benefit from reduced costs for publication in Toxins (MDPI). In expecting to see you many at the RT30s, I and the members of the SFET administration committee wish you an excellent Year 2024!