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About SFET Print E-mail

The SFET - French Society of Toxinology is an association governed by the French law of July 1 and decree of August 16, 1901, and whose creation was decided at the 1st Meeting on Toxinology, in November 17, 1993. 


The purposes of the SFET are to:

  • Promote the development of research in all areas concerning venoms or animal, plant and microbial toxins: modes of action, use in the analysis of the structure and functioning of their molecular targets, biotechnology and chemistry.

  • Favour exchanges between researchers, by the organization of symposia, seminars or any other appropriate means.

  • Stimulate the relations between basic and applied research.

  • Disseminate knowledge.

  • Contribute to the continuous progress of scientific and technical level in toxinology and participate to the education in this field.



Address of the Society:


Service d’Ingénierie Moléculaire des Protéines (SIMOPRO)

91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France



Email: SFET

Phone: +33 (0)4 48 79 21 74 


Last Updated ( jeudi, 25 mai 2023 )

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All the articles of the last meetings in pdf files